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Take our full personal finance course for nothing

The Government just announced its latest round of stimulus. All $130 billion of it. 

The news helped Aussie stocks jump 7% today. Woo hoo!

More importantly, ScoMo’s latest package is about keeping more Aussies employed.

The headline is a $1,500 per fortnight per employee payment for eligible employers to hang on to their staff.

I think it’s bloody brilliant! 

While the Government is doing its bit, I’ve decided that it’s time Rask does what we can to help because I know financial stress is a killer.

It breaks up families.

Kids, wives, husbands, friendships. It affects everyone. 

But here’s the thing:

  1. Some of most important things you can do with your money won’t cost you a cent (think Super, insurance, budgeting, etc.)
  2. The best time to get on top of your finances is RIGHT NOW. Don’t wait for the worst to happen. If you haven’t already, get on top of things tonight.

While I’m not in a position to hire everyone, our small business is in a position to develop online courses and content to help more Australians understand their finances (budgets, Super, insurance, etc.) and know what options are available to them.

That’s why…

For the next month, anyone can enrol in our most comprehensive personal finance course we’ve ever created, Rask’s A-to-Z of Financial Independence: The Complete Guide, and get the entire course for nothing! 

You can visit our website and view the full course curriculum here.

No catches. No gimmicks. No subscriptions.

This program is normally priced at $39.

But it’s far more valuable in your hands than mine. 

The Rask team has spent years creating the material in our courses but right now it’s time for everyone to do their bit to help all Australians get back on their feet. 

Don’t forget to share this offer with your friends and family. 

Click here to take the course.

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