I can’t create my Rask account (username taken)

If you’re having trouble creating your Rask account, following these simple steps:

For all other issues, visit our member support & FAQ page.

Have you taken a Rask course or received a free Rask report?

If you have taken a course on Rask Education follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Rask Education account (click here)
  2. Refresh or visit the Rask subscriptions page (click here)
  3. Pick your membership level in the table provided
  4. On the checkout page, your username and information should already have loaded from the Education website (if you don’t see it, hit refresh in your browser)
  5. Enter your credit card information and any coupon codes
  6. Click “submit”

Note: if you have an OLD Rask Finance account, it will NOT work on this website. You need to create a new account.

I have a Rask Finance account

Your old Rask Finance account will NOT work. You need to create a new account.

My username is taken

Try a different username because someone may already have reserved that username. If you believe it is your username, email us now.

My email doesn’t work

If your email address is taken, that’s a problem. In 95% of cases, it can be solved following the steps above.

If not, email us.