20 - 50
Early retirement
Key strategies for our Financial Independence service include determining the use of surplus funds, saving for kids’ education, setting and prioritising savings goals, optimising superannuation contributions and conducting a Super review, comparing property versus share investing, employing debt recycling and gearing strategies, reviewing investment structures (considering tax, family planning, and super vs. non-super), diversifying and managing risk, reviewing and optimising cash flow, goal setting and behavioural finance, and risk insurance assessment.
You’ll receive:
The Rask Advice team is growing rapidly to meet demand from Australians seeking expert and aligned financial advice services, whether in accumulation or retirement. Already, the Rask Advice team has over 40 years of combined financial services experience, with many more years if you include the broader Rask Group, our Investment Committee and Consultants. Get to know our team.
Our advice fees cover… well, our advice.
Similar to how an accountant doesn’t pay your tax bill, we do not pay for all of your financial life. But we do try to minimise these at every turn.
In addition to fees charged by us, typically a customer of Rask Advice typically encounters a range of costs charged by other parties:
Billionaire Charlie Munger was known to say, “show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome.”
Our incentive is to provide the best advice we can, so you come back to us in the future. And the only fee we want to receive is the advice fee, which you’re told in advance.
At Rask, we’re blessed to have a huge community around us. We don’t advertise or push for referrals. Because of that, your Rask Adviser will never be under pressure to sell you something.
The downside is, we’re simply not capable of servicing everyone who comes to us.
Not only that, other advisers may be better at certain things, including our advice partners.
Situations we won’t often deal with:
Implementation refers to an adviser, or their team, “setting you up and doing it for you.”
Our team is designed to offer advice, rather than call the bank or your broker to help fill out forms. If an adviser does this, it can end up costing you a lot more money than if you put aside 30 minutes a fortnight for three months to follow the plan we create with you. Think of all those moments we’ll have to ask, “just confirming, was the name of your first pet, Garfield?” or “once more, where did you go to primary school?”
Our advice is honest, educational and empowering, plus our team is available for questions.
That said, we plan to offer a fixed number of hours of “implementation support”, per package, so our team can be on standby to help with any tricky questions or provide phone, video or email support in the first three months after your relationship starts with us.
We’ll work with you during the screening process to determine if this is something you’ll need, and how we can help. Of course, you can also call or email us any time you need a hand!
We don’t lock you into any ongoing advice upfront. By this we mean the stuff you ‘get’ after the first 12 months.
Within the first 12 months, you will have the opportunity to join your adviser and provide a 60-minute update every 3 months (e.g. around 3, 6 and 9 months). We’ll also check in before the first year is up – but by then we hope you’re off and racing!
In addition, you and your entire family will be given a free membership to Rask Core (the DIY investment service offered by The Rask Group), invites to events, Rask community access and admission to all Rask courses and webinars.
If you want to stay with us as a personal financial advice customer after the first year, you may be given the option of continuing with our service for one-third of the upfront advice cost.
Why one-third?
We estimate our financial advice customers will, on average, want a full check-in and financial plan updated every three years. By opting for ongoing advice, you can effectively lock in continuous access to your advice team and the price you paid.
Note: we will not sell you on this and we also reserve the right to cancel the agreement. For you, it’s an optional thing and, we hope, will rarely be activated because our advice provides a plan for many years to come. Think of it like a safety net.
And keep in mind, we’ll still be here if you need us in years 2, 3… or 10!